
Without the capacity to be cruel, kindness means nothing. Without the ability to hate intensely and passionately, love means nothing. Without the ability to destroy, the power to create will choke on itself. Without the ability to kill, you cannot give rise to new life and without the ability to punish, the ability to reward transmutes from real generosity to disguised cowardice.

Life is contrast and polarity. The average will never work. It is the greyness that marks the beginning of the end. The slow decay of a civilization. Balance is not grey – it is not the average.

It is the managed-conflict between the extremes – an active balance that finds its centre against external disturbances, the balance that strengthens itself from attack, the balance that turns suffering, pain and difficulty into a tool to strengthen itself, the balance that uses cold water to grow sharper in the forge of life under the hammer of self-imposed discipline, it is this active balance between the polarities that distinguishes the alive from the dead.

Growth happens at the extremes, never in the middle. Buddha was wrong! The middle-path is cancer, diabetes, cardio, “work-life balance”, depression and anxiety, mass-media, common-sense, healthy food, consumerism, the free-market and modern medicine. Be poor, be rich, whatever you do, don’t be middle-class. Live, or die, don’t grind through a declining and grey existence. If you are a man, aim for everything, or nothing. The professors were wrong, small drops will never make an ocean. It is violent and total cataclysms that do it. Don’t endure disrespect and grind through a sub-optimal situation. Burn it all down and start again. When you are winning, you will know it.

There is always a trade-off between “Standard of Living” and freedom. Don’t let other people determine your standards for you. Take the time to understand yourself and take control of your own happiness and you will realize that you were, are and always will be free.

Problem with our approach to money

Consumption driven growth vs. savings driven growth.

Essential features of the Indian mindset

To make money you have to spend money. You have to invest. On goods and services that improve the quality of your own life and your mind and cut costs in the future and on people who are capable of exponentially increasing output and building capital assets that serve the interests of the local consumers.

But Indian society has historically been an extremely dangerous and uncertain one. The social traditions and cultural practices evolved through ages of uncertainty, poverty, violent dispossession and sudden death. Extreme uncertainty creates incentive structures that encourage people to avoid down-side risk at all costs.

Lack of trust in others, in society and the government promotes economically inefficient self-reliance, paranoia and lust for hard money.

A picture of a successful society

A society that has succeeded is one in which people have an instrumental view of money and do not see it as an end in itself. An instrument to create capital structures and new real wealth that improves society and makes things better for the future. As a tool that is used to signal value and coordinate supply chains. As a tool that can be used to enable real production and reward mindful consumption and good decision making.

This tool will work when it is combined with a moral culture that celebrates success, punishes jealousy and recognizes that some principals are more important than money.

There are two things that you can do with money. Bury it and try to keep it safe or spend/invest it. Spending is for things that make you feel good in the moment and investing is for things that will generate a return in money or cut spending requirements in the future. Stories and social conditioning can be used to make people enjoy investing more than spending.

What happens when trust erodes

But to invest there must be some guarantee that you will be able to generate a return. To generate a return you must be able to predict the future. If you can’t predict the future, then, at the very least you must be able to be secure in the knowledge that if and when you succeed the rewards will not get stolen.

If these guarantees cannot be put in place by the government, then people will rely on cutting costs and cornering hard assets to save money instead of on investment to make new capital assets. Some of these costs that they cut will be neutral or even good from an economic stand-point. Like choosing to skip a pizza or a jalebi. But some of them might be counterproductive and even destructive in the long run. For example, if a family chooses to cut costs by refusing to buy any books for the children or buy them nutritious food it will destroy value in the long run.

Saved money cannot just sit in a vault. The economy cant grow that way. The people will just work harder and harder and gradually impoverish themselves off the material factors that are important for their own well-being in exchange for currency to pay taxes.

So, the saved money has to be somehow invested to increase the volume of goods and services that can be bought with money. This will cause the value of money itself to increase which can then be used to print more money and grow the economy. The economy can be either directly taxed to provide public services or indirectly taxed by printing money for government spending.

Centralized Capital Allocation

If the people won’t invest it then the banks and the government have to do it. This will centralize decision making and risk taking. In a society that has an unhealthy obsession with money and gold and a generally low standard for moral behavior and selfless thinking this will create serious problems.

The people controlling these few big taps of money wield enormous power. Power doesn’t rest easy in the hands of tiny-dicked, insecure and selfish people. Instead of a self-sacrificing elite society, India has in recent history had a parasitic class of professional butt-lickers and back-stabbers in the form of a brahmin elite that served as the whip of the British masters.

Worship of power and proximity to white humans coupled with extreme fear and subservience to authority regardless of its legitimacy has been programmed into the Indian lower classes through millennia of casteism and automatic hierarchies based on birth.

Power and wealth are in more enlightened societies, seen as a tool that can be used to create a positive impact on society. But in India, ‘the good life” is not something people aspire to since most people don’t know what it means. Living in healthy, clean conditions in a peaceful society with a healthy and beautiful body and mind is not something that most Indians aspire to. What they want is power. Power to improve things? To make their own situation better? No. Since most Indians don’t know how to make themselves feel good they try to make other people suffer so that they can feel less shitty about themselves. For them life is all about competition. If Sharmaji has a Zen, we should buy an Esteem, if they have 2 bedrooms we must have three. And if we can’t have these things we must somehow destroy their stuff. That is the value of wealth and the power it can buy, from an Indian perspective.

In such an environment concentrating economic decision making in an elite at the top of a political hierarchy is asking for trouble. Forget preserving wealth. The money can actually be used to entrench and secure the interests of the parasitic, self-absorbed and insular elite and to isolate themselves from the suffering of the masses.

In such a scenario the value of money doesn’t grow. In fact the value of the paper money actually goes down because the people holding it didn’t earn it by making something useful, but by stealing it from deserving people. Once the volume of currency held in such hands crosses a critical threshold confidence in the currency collapses. Either suddenly or gradually. The steadily increasing price of gold in India is hard evidence for the fact that people don’t trust the economic system.

Betting real wealth on statues and bullet trains vs. just burying it

I used to laugh at my grandma for washing hands all the time and running to the jewelry and buying a little bit of gold every time she got some money. She is nearly a 100 now and has managed to survive all these years without asking anyone for any help and is quite wealthy now. It is after the recent pandemic and witnessing the central government’s response to it that I realized the value of her wisdom and her paranoia. The government, the system and the society cannot be trusted in India. Any store of value that relies on a functioning social system is quite vulnerable in a country like this. Trying to achieve growth without first prioritizing wealth preservation is asking for trouble.

Yes, it does create a problem for the commons. The vast quantities of wealth locked down in the form of unmonetized gold is a big loss for the country. It prevents growth. A loss! That is how I used to think about all this gold lying in lockers and buried underground and hidden in walls all over the country. But then I figured out that preservation of wealth is more important than growing it. Gold is the weak and uneducated man’s protection against the caprices of the sometimes educated but always uncultured and predominantly criminal elite of the country. Maybe the secret piles can’t be used to create gold backed currency that can be used to grow the economy. But at least it can’t be wasted or siphoned off or used to win power by the unscrupulous politicians and businessmen that have made India a living hell.

It might be better to let the wealth rot underground than to give it to criminals. That will just make everything a lot worse. Until the system improves and decentralized investments have a fighting chance it is best to sequester the wealth in places and forms that make it invulnerable to confiscation by a ruthless and rapacious ruling class.

Like always, grandma is right again!

Special is not what you are, it is what you do

Source of great ideas

Where do great ideas originate? What is genius? Why do some people seem to come up with ideas easily and effortlessly?

People spend a lot of time examining their brains, studying their habits and trying to copy their practices. Genius and creativity are usually considered to be the properties of a particular person and some people think that their own productivity can be improved by copying certain aspects of their behavior. “How to engineer your life to enable creativity?” I think it is worth spending some time thinking about this question.

The myth

There is a tendency to anthropomorphize the flow of history. To tell stories that privilege the point of view of particular human beings. Stories where there is a hero and there is a great problem and with heroic struggle the hero conquers the problem.

As much as this story appeals to our emotional selves, it is finally a story that at best offers only a partial picture of the process that is involved in discovering great principles. Every picture, every model and every theory by necessity has to be incomplete. But the utility of a model lies in its ability to make valuable predictions about the future. In its ability to help ourselves make an impact by following the directives of the model.

If you measure the utility of models, of theories and stories in this particular way, then there is some harm in this particular method of story-telling. Of telling stories that emphasize the importance of the individual and the inner mind in the story of discoveries.

A story like that will motivate people to work hard and try to focus on themselves and what is going on within themselves. To focus on their feelings, perceptions and thought patterns. This reflexive pattern of thinking and the disconnect from the real world it can create can cause feedback loops to develop that can lead people along paths that make them unhappy in the long run. For example, someone might be depressed because he is not effective. This might cause the person to withdraw from engaging with the problems and to distract himself with counter-productive behavior intended to temporarily relieve the bad feeling. This can range from self-destructive behavior like making excuses for poor decisions, self-medicating with drugs or alcohol or trying to feel better by pulling other people down. All these things make the problems worse in the long run. This might go on until the person passes the point of no return.

The possible truth

But the secret to creativity or success doesn’t lie within. It lies without. Great ideas can never be derived from existing principles. They are almost always the product of random events and mistakes. Rationality, mathematical reasoning and straight-forward thinking can act only as a negative filter. It can tell you what will not work. It cannot lead you step-by-step to the next  great discovery.

The process of innovation is inherently non-linear, chaotic and unpredictable. The key to coming up with great ideas is to leave some space in our lives for luck to work. Make sure the environment you are in is dynamic, fluid and dangerous to the extent that it will not kill you. Keep pushing your boundaries and never plan too much.

Some people might read this and think that hard work and planning is useless. That is entirely the wrong message. Hard work, extreme dedication and a certain kind of planning are required for success in life. The question is how you should work and what you should focus on.

Here is my take on these most important questions:

You have to work hard on developing your store of knowledge and the basic skills and intuition required to recognize a great idea when you see one. We go through our lives every day unconsciously doing incredibly complicated and clever things without realizing their significance or their practical applications in other areas of life.

People might have been rubbing their hands together for millennia to warm themselves. But it was only recently that somebody documented the fact that heat might not be related to combustion and that the coincidence hides a deeper mystery about the physics of heat. That recognition is what is important. Not the rubbing together of hands. Ideas have to be recognized and articulated using the language of technology for that idea to get developed into a practical application.

People knew about the law of large numbers for ages. And at least intuitively everyone understands the principle of averaging to reduce noise. But someone applied this prehistoric idea after combining it with the concept of the information content of a random process to a sequence of bits and he became the “Father of information theory”. Another guy applied it to economics and that became the “Efficient market hypothesis”. 

Einstein was sitting in a patent office and going through countless papers discussing clever things and he was reading material describing results from experiments that other people were doing. Again and again people were implying that the speed of light didn’t seem to change no matter how you measured it. He just articulated clearly what everyone was implying and then proceeded to use straight-forward mathematical techniques to work out all the potential implications and on reconciling it with the existing frame-work of physics.

Now, after the fact, people are studying Einstein’s brain size, anecdotes from his child-hood, grade cards from school and his musical predilections and trying to copy all these things in an effort to become an Einstein themselves.

Maybe if I grow my hair, look weird and play the violin, I might change physics as we know it today? Maybe. But your chances will be lot better if you try to replicate the essential features of Einstein’s environment and his natural curiosity instead of some superficial personal characteristics or other incidental details of his personal history. Myth-making and story-telling are fun. But sometimes they can mislead young minds into thinking that being weird in a particular way is what it takes to become special.

Before wondering why you can’t come up with something like the theory of relativity while watching cricket and eating chips have you first made sure that you have access to the same quality and quantity of privileged information that Einstein did?

When Feynman hit a dead end in his career he didn’t sit down and try harder to come up with something new. He just said, ” If I can’t solve this problem right now I will not waste my time keeping on trying again and again until I am fully extinguished. Instead I will find some other way to make myself useful and in the process, maybe, learn something new. I will teach! When I explain things to other people I will be forced to look at things from their point of view and the fresh perspective might help me get some new ideas!”(paraphrased, obviously!)

He understood something about the state of mind required to solve problems that require an oblique approach and how to achieve it. The kind of things that you can do which can help you achieve a state of flow. Where your ego expands to include the problem and you feel connected and everything just sort of happens automatically.

There is no harm in trying to emulate great people. But if you look at the wrong things you might just wind up wasting time on music lessons and dressing in turtle necks without actually accomplishing anything in life.

The mother lode

Every great idea in science and technology is basically the recognition of a pattern that was identified in some other area like humanities which deals with the study of naturally occurring complexity and patterns. The reason for it is very simple. Nature has the right mix of noise injection(random mutations and disasters) and diversity of cost and fitness functions that has been allowed to operate for billions of years. This has resulted in complexity, patterns and innovations of stunning and breath-taking beauty and power. By developing your arsenal of mathematical and scientific tools that can be used to reject spurious patterns and see through correlations that can sometimes obscure chains of causation we can exploit this nearly infinite mine of ideas to come up with stuff that can shock  and awe people.

To properly take advantage of this gift of optionality you must work hard. Not on coming up with great ideas, but on learning to recognize one when you see it. When the idea is seductive enough the aggression required to capture, subdue, exploit and control it will come automatically.

The simplicity of the idea doesn’t matter. What matters is the scale of application of that idea. And scale requires a proper appreciation and grasp of all the essential features of that idea and the ability to ignore the unimportant details. In other words, be able to articulate the idea in the most general terms possible. And then, hold it in your head at all times and recognize diverse situations where it can be applied to make a difference.

Prepare yourself for the moment of insight as well as you can. It can feel overwhelming when it strikes you. Keep developing newer ways of looking at the same phenomenon. And, most  importantly,

“leave enough space in your life for luck to work its magic”.

Mother Night

I am a part of the part that at first was all, part of the darkness that gave birth to light, that supercilious light which now disputes with Mother Night her ancient rank and space, and yet can not succeed; no matter how it struggles, it sticks to matter and can’t get free. Light flows from substance, makes it beautiful; solids can check its path, so I hope it won’t be long till light and the world’s stuff are destroyed together.

Course material for analog design

My last post was a hypoglycemic rant against college romance and most people just dismissed it off as the whining of a despan. Well, anyway, it felt awfully good to write that one.

On an unrelated note, recently, I came across this link which was shared within our HPA(High Performance Analog) team. The link directs to an online course hosted by IITM. The material is really good and can help people who are interested in analog circuits. Some of my friends expressed a desire to work in analog and said that they could use some quality lectures. So, I figured, there might be others out there who want the same thing. That why I decided to share the link.

The tweaking comes to an end… finally!

I was busy working overtime to make the Lucid Lynx installation better. Eventually, it all paid off nicely. The system is now officially broken. I finished compiling a post-mortem report. As is usual with Linux affected systems, it  is inconclusive. The system initially failed to log on. Then it logged on, but the interface was unresponsive to mouse clicks. The other terminals were fine.

Then, I went into recovery mode, dropped into a root shell and deleted the default keyring in an attempt to resest a possibly corrupt password. That did work. But, the system was still unresponsive.

I decided that there was not much use trying to fix it and installed a fresh copy. Now, I have MS Office 2007, VMware player, HP officejet All-In-One, mail, calenders, java, flash, prism and the media players  all properly configured and running smoothly. I am trying hard to fight the urge to try out more stuff. Hope I win!

The only thing more stupid than a crowd is… a bigger crowd!


A large number of us take pride in our education and like to project ourselves as being level-headed and full of common-sense (talk about irony!). We pity those fallen to superstition and crystal balls. We ask them…,” duh… who believes in them anyway?”. As if it would be better if a large number of people agreed with them. How difficult is it to actually be level-headed and reasonable?

I had in an earlier post explained the limits of one’s rationality and the dangers that arise when a highly intuitive and rational person is exposed to false information. Apparently, the record setting length of that blog meant that no one made it to  the important part of that post.

What does it take to avoid being taken in by Reiki masters, Vassthu, Feng Shui practitioners, Homoeo, Kamalari for AIDS quacks, faith-healers, Vedic scientists, Chiropracters, Osteopathic doctors….. the list is practically endless..?

It is apparent that a rational mind, especially the average kind is just not enough to distinguish the horse-shit from the horse. One’s faculties are further befuddled by the opinions of the masses, which are sometimes the only source of facts for some people. How do the masses form opinions about various subjects? How do they propagate? Is there some kind of imbalance between the speed of absorption of positive and negative news about something.. say, like a cure for a disease?

It is impossible for most individuals to independently assess the validity of most things. If you had a fungal infection and you took a Homoeo “drug” and if the infection eventually went away then you would be prefectly rational in pushing the system to everyone single relative, friend and acquaintance of yours.

Post hoc ergo propter hoc            If it happened afterwards, it happened due to it

After all, you are helping them. If someone then takes the medicine on your hear-say and doesn’t get any relief, the doctor tells him that the treatment was just a little off, or that his “vital force” is unable to regain the balance or that maybe he should use higher potency drugs…. which is actually a lower concentration. The reasons that are peddled by the doctor seem to make sense to the intuition of most people. The patient with the uncured probalem simply shuts-up. Thus, only the “benefeciaries” spread their good message. Talk about statistical bias! People do not understand that most diseases are self -limiting and sometimes even incurable diseases like Arthritis, Psoriasis etc. simply go away on their own…

The Placebo Effect

In the field of clinical drug trials, placebos are just as important as the actual drugs. In any trial, there will be three groups of test subjects. A control group, a placebo group and the group that actually takes the drugs. The last two groups are told that they are given the real deal. The tests are usually double-blind, meaning that neither the doctors or the patients directly know who is getting the placebo and who is not. Quite unsurprisingly, the placebo group shows improvements sometimes in as many as 20-30 per cent of the participants, especially for diseases like Hormone imbalance, Autoimmune, pain-relief, sexual dysfunction etc.. Now, the list might ring some bells, because thats exactly the kind of diseases for which alternative therapies like homoeo, osteopathy, magnetic-beds etc. work.

Check out the above link to fully appreciate the role of placebos. They have been used for treating even false pregnancies (Source:Phantoms in the brain). Btw, this cool phenomenon is called Pseudocyesis and it demonstrates just how much control the mind has over the body.

Will there be smoke without a fire?

Now, these old sayings are sometimes bandied about to justify superstitions and funnily enough other old sayings. How, do weird beliefs arise is society? Understanding this is just as important as understanding biological evolution. See the theory about memes proposed by Dawkins, which tries to explain how crazy ideas evolve. Now, just before reading any new theory, we must understand exactly what a theory is for. It must explain all that has happened and must be able to make useful predictions that can be tested to validate it. Otherwise, it just becomes like the Intelligent Design “Theory” which explains nothing, creates more questions and can’t be tested or applied.

One doesn’t need to mug up the meme theory to get a fair idea of how superstitions arise. Some guys initially propose something and he might have had reasons for that, which might have been rather complicated to understand. People pick up the result, forget the basis, later add their own ideas and fancies and voilà! You have your new idea virus.


A lot of the proponents of fringe stuff like chiropractors, osteopaths, transcendental dudes, mediums etc.. say that science engages in reductionism and fails to see stuff as a whole. They talk about fields, energy, yogic flying(cheaper and eco-friendly)etc.. But the truth is that, these whole systems are founded on perhaps one or two aspects of one’s self. Like alignment of bones, skeletal system, mind, nails, appendix…ok i made the last 2 ones up! Maybe, some diseases can be remedied by these stuff. But, all diseases?? Claims like that should be viewed with scepticism.

Awesome Stuff!

Saw the above video? A pretty sick mix of science, wishful thinking and what some people call woo. Notice that one of the guys in the video calls himself a doctor. I wonder where they give those out…

Sometimes, we hear people bragging about totally “cool” stuff like yogic flying, talking with the dead, mind reading etc.. I don’t know why nobody takes note when professional magicians read your mind or why more people “know” this stuff than say… that the universe is pretty big or that time travel happens all the time or that shizoprenia is actually a disease. Our education system totally fails to impress people with the really cool stuff and they just make up with talking with the dead in dark rooms in a semi-hypnotic state.

I must quote the immortal words of House from the coolest serial on the planet House MD

If something isn’t awesome once explained, then it never was awesome in the first place.

Instead of trying to be impressed with mysterious stuff, we should try and learn the joy of knowing. It is harder, but way more fun.